
This document covers the tools to run tests and how to use them.

Django tests

Run the project tests by executing:

$ python src/manage.py test src --keepdb

To measure coverage, use coverage run:

$ coverage run src/manage.py test src --keepdb

It may be convenient to add some aliases:

$ alias runtests='python src/manage.py test --keepdb'
$ runtests src


$ alias cov_runtests='coverage run src/manage.py test --keepdb'
$ cov_runtests src && chromium htmlcov/index.html


Run ./bin/jenkins_django.sh to execute the tests for develop and master. This script runs the tests with --keepdb.

To run PR tests, run ./bin/jenkins_django_pr.sh. This script drops the test database at the end, so it should be safe with different migrations between PR’s.

SASS build - Jenkins

There is a simple ./bin/jenkins_sass.sh script that checks if the sass compiles successfully.

Javascript tests

There are quite some options to run the Javascript tests. Karma is used as test-runner, and you need to install it globally if you have never done so:

$ sudo npm install -g karma

By default, the tests are run against PhantomJS and Chrome/Chromium. To run the tests, execute:

$ gulp test

If you want to target a single browser, you can run karma directly:

$ karma start karma.conf.js --single-run --browsers=PhantomJS

Coverage reports can be found in build/reports/coverage.

To trigger a test run on file change (source file or test file), run:

$ karma start karma.conf.js --single-run=false --browsers=PhantomJS